Dear Americans

Leanna B. Cupit, PhD
4 min readNov 5, 2020

Everything will be alright because you have the ability to make it right. Every four years a new president is elected, but this election is different. The world is a different place at this moment, but for all the strife and worry there is a chance to move forward doing things a little differently. And despite all the things in life out of your control, you have the control to make each day alright.

Do you ever ask yourself why you think the way you do? Do you ever wonder why you act the way you do? Do you ever wonder what events in life leads someone to steal? Do you ever wonder how some people can be so seemingly happy all the time? How much do you think about your presence in this world, how it impacts others, and how others impact you?

Any time of change offers an opportunity for reflection. Why is the country so divided? The answer most give to this question is because “they” don’t see things the way “I” do. Because “they” are trying to tell “me” how to live my life. As a society Americans have become increasingly self-centered to the point that not only do we desire to only see the world through our frame, but we repudiate those who don’t think like us, speak like us, or live like us. Why? Do you want your obituary to read Educated, White, Female, Democrat? If that’s not how you want to be remembered by the world, why is that the way you show up in the world? Defining oneself by demographic characteristics and political ideology is dangerous. It’s a form of self-harm in which self-worth is reduced to man-made boxes we are forced to check in order to become part of a group; a group that is truly meaningless except to social scientists who see us as lab rats and people in power who use us to gain more power.

Over the course of recent weeks, I have heard those on both sides of the political aisle criticize and demean those who won’t check the same ballot box. Republicans are all racist homophobes who swear allegiance to the confederate flag, and Democrats are all atheists who support Antifa. This is the national narrative that is being pushed to every man and woman by the media and people in power on BOTH sides of the aisle. And we fall for it. The 24-hour news cycle and the internet inundate us with stories slanted to tug on our hearts and minds and we begin to see the other side as people who are less than ourselves. We are all guilty of it. Democrats criticize President Trump for his tone and rhetoric, using the same tone and rhetoric to describe the President and his supporters. Republicans depict Democrats as morally inept- all the while ignoring the fact that if they are a Christian they are called to not judge others. We have lost the ability to agree to disagree and respect others regardless of if our beliefs differ.

All this and at the end of the day regardless of who is in the White House come January 2021 we will all get up and go to work, living each day to provide the best life for ourselves and our family. Regardless of political affiliation, we all laugh and we all cry. We all want to feel safe and we all feel for those who are struggling through life. I think we actually agree on more than we disagree on, but those in control of our institutions would rather division than unity. Those who have a platform and a microphone tell us we need to come together and bridge the divide. They then tell us how to bridge that divide presenting their opinions as fact guided by personal affiliation.

We are all Americans. We are formed and shaped by our unique experiences and the experiences of those who came before us. The values we share for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are endowed by the creator for ALL. It really is that simple. That doesn’t mean life is perfect or fair, but if we don’t have something to aspire to we can never move forward. We don’t need politicians or government to tell us what it means to be an American. Instead of empowering human thought and compassion, our institutions feel it necessary to tell us how to think, how to act, and who to like or dislike based on individual characteristics that either support or refute the narrative the party in power of the institution is trying to advance.

Our institutions don’t make America what it is, the people do. So during this time when you may feel uncertainty and frustration remember that you have a lot more control than you may think. Your gender, race, religion, or political party does not define you, and should not stop you from showing up positively in the world for everyone. Instead of working to bash others who are different from you, work to bring everyone up by focusing on improving the world for yourself and those around you.

Everyone has blessings unique to their situation in life. Never overlook the roles gratitude, humility, and compassion should play in life. You have the ability to take a walk outside and breathe fresh air. You have the ability to smile at others as you pass them on the street. You have the ability to control your actions each day- be positive instead of complaining, say thank you and mean it, lift others up instead of bringing them down. If you approach life in this way, having an R or D behind your name really becomes insignificant.



Leanna B. Cupit, PhD

Mother | Wife | Daughter | Perpetual Learner | Christian | Lover of Life